Link sebelumnya:
My Heroes in Marvel Avengers Alliance (part 1)
10. Daredevil (scrapper)
Blinded by radioactive material when he was young, Matt Murdock nevertheless went on to become a skillful lawyer. As Daredevil, he puts his superhumanly enhanced senses and incredible martial-arts skills to service protecting the people of Hell's Kitchen and New York City.
Daredevil salah satu hero scrapper favorit gw (dulu). Radar Sense nya memastikan tiap kali kena serangan tunggal dari lawan, dia bakal counter attack. Selain ability itu, 3 lainnya adalah Billy Club, Snap Kick, dan Manrikigusari. Ketiganya punya efek debuff yg berbeda. Biasanya yg sering gw pake adalah Manrikigusari karena staminanya mendingan, efeknya lawan jadi kena exposed, defense nya berkurang.
11. Colossus (bruiser)
Piotr Rasputin's power to transform his body into nealy invulnerable organic form of Osmium first appeared in adolescence. Coming to America at the urging of Professor X, he became Colossus and has fought bravely despite his natural aversion to conflict and violence.
11a. Classic Colossus
Normalnya ketika menggunakan Colossus, gw pake ability Steel Curtain buat protect tim yg lain, tapi sering juga ga ngaruh sih. Serangan lainnya dimulai dengan urutan Steel Fists dan lawan exposed, baru giliran berikutnya Decimate dgn memanfaatkan expose tadi. Kalau Colossal Smash utk serangan All Enemies nya. Yang nyebelin adalah ketika di PVP lawan kita adalah Colossus, dengan kostum Phoenix Five. Nyebelin karena dia punya passive Guardian Force, yg tiap giliran bakal restore health. Jadi susah ngalahinnya.
11b. Modern Colossus
Sudah dalam keadaan Steel Fortress selama dua ronde pertama, melindungi allies dari single attack lawan.
11c. Phoenix Five Colossus
Punya passive skill Phoenix Potential: Guardian Force yang bisa disebarkan pada anggota tim, punya kemungkinan diaktifkan di tiap ronde. Restore health and stamina, and reduce damage taken. Dulu nyebelin banget kalo lawan PVP ketemu Phoenix Colossus.
12. Scarlet Witch (blaster)
An orphan raised with her twin brother Quicksilver, Wanda Maximoff possesses a unique combination of mutant and magical powers. When persecuted for her probability-changing mutant abilities, the twins sought refugw with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, unaware that Magneto was their father. Unhappy at being a villain, Wanda convinced her brother that they should join the Avengers to redeem themselves. Where the Scarlet Witch goes, chaos follows.

Nah, ini baru salah satu jagoan gw sekarang di PVP. Kelebihannya bukan pada damage dari serangannya, melainkan efek2 buff yg dihasilkannya. Serangan murninya cuma Arcane Blast, yg jarang gw pake, karena entah kenapa musuh sering dodge. Hex Sphere, menimbulkan efek Hexed pada lawan, yg berpotensi menyebabkan serangan mereka backfired. Enak banget kan, diserang tapi malah musuh yg kena sendiri. Lalu dalam keadaan terdesak, kena burning bleeding dsb boleh coba pake Chaos Shield. Gunanya ga sekedar proteksi dari serangan lawan, tapi lebih dari itu, bisa ngilangin debuff, dan sering memberikan efek regeneration buat tim. Dan yg paling ditunggu2 adalah ketika memasuki giliran ketiga, dan akhirnya bisa make Probability Field, secara random ngasih debuff (efek merugikan) di tim lawan dan buff ke tim kita. Kadang2 hasil dari probability ini sangat membantu tim untuk menang.
13. Phoenix (blaster)
One of the original X-Men, Jean Grey has developed her native telepathic and telekinetic abilities to unheard-of levels as a result of her bonding with the Phoenix Force. As the avatar of that cosmic power, she has attained control over time and space, and can even resurrect the dead. The true extent of her powers has yet to be discovered.
13a. Classic Phoenix
Setelah dilakukan modifikasi pada Phoenix, sekarang ada efek yang bisa dicoba. Passive abilitynya yg Death dan Rebirth. Psi-blast dan Telekinesis adalah serangan biasa, yg pertama jenis psychic attack, yg kedua bisa nyebabkan stun. Ability ketiga, Mind Link bisa diarahkan ke rekan tim yg mana saja, supaya mereka jadi tameng ketika ada serangan dari lawan. Dan ability ke-4 ga bisa digunakan. Kecuali... kalo ada anggota tim (selain Phoenix) yg mati, maka: 1) dia ga jadi mati, restore health 25% 2) ability Phoenix Fire bisa dipake, dengan damage yg besar dan efek soulfire pada tim lawan. Dan yg gw baca, bisa Cleansing Fire, ngapus semua efek debuff kita, dan ngapus efek buff lawan. Mirip sama Scroll of Angalob. Tapi jarang gw dalem posisi ini, kalo ga anggota timnya tetap selamat sampe akhir, ato Phoenixnya yg keburu dibantai.
13b. White Crown Phoenix
Kelebihannya, kalo misalnya mati dan lalu pake Phoenix Fire, masih ada kesempatan untuk make ability Phoenix Fire itu lagi, tapi tetep aja nunggu 3 ronde lagi.
13c. Phoenix Five Phoenix
Punya Phoenix Potential: Fires of Truth. Serangan jadi bersifat psychic, artinya ga peduli sama effect protect, counter attack, shield blablabla, bakal nembus.
14. Emma Frost (tactician)
Born wealthy and privileged, Emma Frost didn't need her mutant powers to succeed in the world, but she still took advantage of them. Her telepathic powers won her an invitation to the notorious Hellfire Club, where she rose in rank to become the White Queen. There she started a school for mutants and clashed with the X-Men with her contentious curriculum. After a tragedy killed most of her students, Emma decided that teaching for the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and joining the X-Men was a better use of her gifts.
14a. Modern Emma Frost
Hero yg berasal dari special ops. Emma selalu jadi favorit gw, meskipun kalo dibandingin ama versi P5 yg gw ga punya, bedanya jadi serasa langit dan bumi. Psychic Tap nya adalah ability juara buat gw, lawan yg kepancing utk nyerang bakal kesedot healthnya sampe setengahnya, kecuali hero2 yg punya Mental Resilience kyk Phoenix atau Colossus. War Diamond serangan fisik (tendangan) yg bisa bikin lawan stun. Dan yg juga ga kalah hebat adalah 3rd ability, Unlock Potential, selain bisa ngilangin debuff di anggota tim yg dikasih, juga meningkatkan statnya, sehingga begitu dia nyerang, powernya langsung berlipat2. Terakhir Mental Trauma, all enemies attack yg lumayan gede. Gw bilang lumayan.
14b. Phoenix Five Emma Frost
Nah, bandingin ama Emma dengan kostum Phoenix Five, dia punya passive
ability Cosmic Power, yg bisa tiba2 muncul di tiap giliran. Hasilnya,
powernya berlipat ganda, dan dengan Mental Trauma aja bisa bikin tim
15. Thor (bruiser)
Exiled to Midgard by his father, Odin, the Norse god of thunder, Thor walks among humanity to learn humility. It's not an easy lesson for him, especially not when he's practically invincible and armed with the divine hammer Mjolnir. A founding member of the Avengers, he fights a constant battle with his trickstar half-brother Loki.
15a. Classic Thor
Menurut gw Thor itu hero yg bikin capek. Karena utk mencapai power terkuatnya, makan waktu sampe 2 giliran. Pertama mesti Inspire Bravery, dimana selain dapet Might of Mjolnir (bikin power bertambah) bisa nambah stat anggota tim yg lain. Abis itu bisa langsung Hammer Throw sih, lumayan, tapi kalo mau poll pake Empowering Strike dulu, biar Might Mjolnirnya double. Dan ga enaknya abis itu powernya turun lagi.
15b. Modern Armor Thor
Sudah otomatis dilengkapi oleh Might of Mjolnir 2 kali, jadi udah siap
nyerang. Biasanya Thor dgn modern suit itu langsung ngeluarin Summon
Thunder dengan damage gede banget, bisa langsung bikin tim sekarat.
16. Sif (scrapper)
The Asgardian warrior Sif is sister to Heimdall and close companion to Thor. She is a relentless warrior and has fought as Asgard's champion on numerous occasions. Sif is more closely tied to Midgard than any other Asgardian save Thor, and has come to love some humans. Her sword is able to cut through the barriers between dimensions.
16a. Classic Sif
Basic dari ability Sif adalah pedang. Nusuk-nusuk musuh, jadinya kita mesti manfaatin efek bleeding yg dihasilkan. Jadi yg pertama kali dipake itu Thrust, karena bikin bleeding dan staminanya dikit. Abis itu bisa lanjut pake Flying Sword, karena efek ravaged dan weakened, dan damagenya lebih gede. Leaping Slash make stamina banyak, dan damagenya ga begitu ngefek. Kalo ability satu lagi, Inspire Courage, katanya bisa meningkatkan defense, tapi kayaknya ga begitu ngaruh.
16b. Modern Armor Sif
Tambahan passive skill: Tempered Steel. Selama 3 ronde pertama, serangan Sif dijamin critical. Ngg, ga begitu ngaruh ya.
17. Black Panther (tactician)
Heir to the ruling dynasty of the ancient kingdom of Wakanda, T'Challa became king and Black Panther as a young man and has transformed Wakanda into a high-tech powerhouse. Wary of outside interests that seek to exploit Wakanda's enormous vibranium deposits, he is a powerful ally but always keeps his home country's interestss first and foremost. He is married to Storm but the demands of the X-Men and Wakanda often keep them apart.
Beruntunglah BP sudah dimodif, jadinya Panther Stance sekarang quick action. Yg gw tahu ability ini buat meningkatkan attack+defense, eh pas baca2 lagi, dia juga yg ngasih efek macem2 Rage of the Panther bla bla bla, supaya bisa nyerang dua kali, ato counter attack. Sedangkan utk serangan biasanya, gw ga begitu apal sih efek2nya, jadi random aja milihnya, bisa Anti-metal Claws (ngasih bleeding), Wakandan Arts, dan Vibranium Daggers. Taunya Wakandan itu yg damagenya paling gede.
18. Magik (scrapper)
Abducted into the demonic realm of Limbo as a child, Illyana Rasputin eventually came to rule it through her mutant powers of teleportation and her gift for sorcery. Though she has friends in the X-Men, especially her brother Colossus, she will always carry a piece of hell with her.
Hero hasil special ops 3 yg Avengers vs X-Men. Jagoan gw waktu pvp season 1. Kayaknya sih satu-satunya ability yg sering gw pake adalah ability pertama yg Soulsword. Abis itu kalo mau nyerang all enemy, pake Unleash Hell. Sedangkan 2 ability lain, Stepping Disc dan Soulflare jarang make karena stamina yg dibutuhin gede.
19. Human Torch (blaster)
Teenage rebel Johnny Storm was bombarded with cosmic rays during the fateful voyage of Reed Richard's spacecraft that created the Fantastic Four, becoming the Human Torch. He can transform his body into a superheated plasma and project shaped flames from any part of himself. He can also fly and control temperatures in his immediate area. His sister, Sue Storm, is the Invisible Woman.
19a. Classic Human Torch
Gw suka sama hero ini, meskipun bukan jagoan utama di PVP. Fireball damagenya gede banget, dan kalo nyerang hero bruiser, musuh cepet mati. Kalo ga itu, ya Flame Stream, stamina lebih dikit, dan ngasih burning, plus, dia bisa ngelewatin shield karena nyerang berkali-kali. Begitu juga Ring of Fire, opsional. Kalo Nova Blast gw jarang make, soalnya jarang di kondisi HT sekarat.
19b. Annihilus Human Torch
Selain punya passive Future Countdown yg ga jelas itu, ada passive lain Cosmic Control Rod, ngirim pasukan serangga dari Annihilation Wave buat nyerang lawan. Keren, mirip sama back-upnya Iron Man.
20. Black Cat (infiltrator)
Child of a notorious cat burglar, Felicia Hardy took to the family businedd and adopted the persona of the Black Cat to convince her adversaries that tangling with her would bring bad luck. She's not a burglar anymore (much), but she's still got the speed, power and reflexes of her namesake, enhanced by devices in her costume.
20a. Classic Black Cat
Sebagai Infiltrator, dia termasuk yg oke. Giliran pertama, pake Cat Scratch biar bleeding. Nah, di giliran berikutnya, pake quick action Stroke of Luck, biar stat naik, serangannya jadi tambah kuat, dan pake Nerve Chop. Dijamin kenanya banyak di musuh. Kalo Unlucky Strike jarang pake. Ga yakin ama efeknya dan staminanya banyak.
20b. Claws Black Cat
Punya passive Catty, jadi tiap serangannya langsung ngasih bleeding 3x, bukan 1x doang seperti di kostum biasa.
Link selanjutnya:
My Heroes in Marvel Avengers Alliance (part 3)
My Heroes in Marvel Avengers Alliance (part 4)