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[Review] Game of Thrones (season 6)

Setelah setahun, GoT kembali di season 6. Sebenarnya gw juga ga begitu nunggu2 sih, karena lagi asik ngikutin serial yg lain (The Flash...

Saturday, October 06, 2012

True Blood Season 5: Cool Moments

Episode 2

Bill dan Erik dihadapkan ke the Guardian yang menjabarkan kesalahan mereka, kemudian perdebatan kecil di anggota konsel tentang hukuman mereka. Lalu Bill mengajukan penawaran tentang Russell Edgington.

"I'm in a real pickle here, boys. According to Nan Flanagan, you... what is it she liked to call you guys? "Fuckup One" and "Fuckup Two" -- you have made egregious errors.
Rocket launchers on Main Street? Not to mention your so-called "Festival of Tolerance", where humans were attacked by vampires in full view of the media, with our official spokesperson in attendance. Keeping that quiet wasn't cheap.
Now, Nan-- was no prize, either. Still, she was Authority.
And that, boys, is the point. We are the Authority. I am the Authority. The true death for Northman means the true death for Northman."

Episode 4

Obrolan para kanselor yang sedang mengamati pergerakan Bill dan Erik, lalu membahas Nora.

Drew: Standing around in Nortman's bar. This is finding Russell Edgington?
Kibwe: Has it occurred to anyone that they may have killed Russell a year ago, and this hunt is a charade to buy more time?

Dieter: Speaking of "radical believers", turn to two.
(Nora praying)
Dieter: What a lunatic. It's like she means it. (lalu nekan tombol utk aktifin cahaya UV)
Wake up, sister. It's just a book. I know the guy who wrote it and he was high the whole time.

Rosalyn: (sambil ketawa) You be careful where you say that. Guardian doesn't like us disparaging the book.
Dieter: I don't see him here.
Drew: He's busy with his own woman on her knees.

Episode 6
Eksekusi Russell yg gagal, yg berujung pada terbunuhnya Roman. Ini menarik banget, satu-satunya momen dimana Russell berduel dengan Roman, masing2 sempet ceramah gitu, dan Russell yg omongannya tegas dibalas dengan Roman yg gak kalah galak.

You think you're better than the Sanguinistas? You used Lilith to justify your bloodlust for power, just like they do to justify their bloodlust for humans.
You're both fucking hypocrites.
I am the only honest one here. I wanna gorge on human blood not because some fucking Bible tells me to, but because I like it. It's fun. It makes my dick hard.
You were a pompous, self-righteous prick in the fucking Renaissance and you still are one today.
This is all about your ego.

This is about order instead of chaos!
This is about mercy instead of sadism.
This is about balance. This is about peace.

Episode 8
Dewan konsel sedang membicarakan strategi dominasi mereka. Bill mengusulkan untuk menghancurkan pabrik tru blood.

Bill: Tru Blood.
Salome: Excuse me?
Bill: Tru Blood. Fuck politics. Concentrate on the Tru Blood.
Nora: What about it?
Bill: You bomb the factories. There are only five of them. Destroy them publicly. You force mainstreamers to feed on humans. As they were meant to.
Salome: Well done.
Nora: That's genius.
Kibwe: Yes.
Rosalyn: I love it.

Erik: What are you doing?
Bill: Evolving.

Episode 10
Ini adegan favorit gw, waktu Russell memulai debat yg berakhir dengan dia ngamuk dan keluar dari Authority.

Russell: How do you propose we seize our rightful place in the hierarchy of beings when we're helpless as hamsters for 12 hours out of the day?
Kibwe: That is the way we were created.
Russell: But it's not how we have to remain.
The legends are true. The blood of the fae allows us to daywalk.
Compton, Northman, you've both drunk from the same faerie I have.
Erik: And you know it lasts a few minutes at most before you fry.
Russell: The Wright Brothers' first flight lasted 12 seconds. Did they turn to each other and say, "12 seconds is pretty good. Let's give up and try something else"?
We harness the blood. We study it. We capture another faerie even, and breed them. If the Japanese can synthesize human blood, why can't we do the same thing with faerie blood?
Salome: Because we are of the night. The sun is forbidden to us. Fairies are an abomination.
Russell: Their blood is like sucking on heaven.
You know what I wish? I wish that I had just one drop of faerie blood to stuff in your piehole.
Salome: I saved you, Russell. I can put you back in the ground.
(Russell ngelempar Salome sampe jatoh. Bill, Erik dan yg lain hendak bereaksi)
Russell: Oh, please. Give me an excuse to kill the both of you. Or hell, why not all of you?
I am 3000 years old. I am stronger than all of you combined. How long did you think I would be your lapdog?
I offered you the opportunity to share in the greatest advancement in the history of our race, and the small-mindedness of your religion has literally kept you in the dark!
You can have your Lilith. I will not be constrained by your god, or anyone else's. I will have the sun.

Episode 11
Kedatangan tamu dari Pentagon. General Cavanaugh datang dan meminta untuk bertemu Roman, karena situasi antara vampir makin parah dengan hancurnya pabrik Tru Blood yg diperkirakan akibat ulah vampir.

Cavanaugh: We have video of Russell Edgington and Steve Newlin eviscerating 22 fraternity brothers at the local Gamma Kappa Tau house last night.
You assured the world, you assured the president that Russell Edgington was dead, and you lied. So if that video goes viral, human population is gonna rise up against vampires faster than you can say 'molotov cocktail'.
Nora: Your threats are empty, General.

Cavanaugh: Are you really that stupid? We're prepared. You don't think we've been planning for this? We have weapons. Weapons you have never heard of. We own the day. Vampires don't stand a fucking chance.
Now there's only one person standing between you and all-out war with the humans, and you're looking at him. So I suggest you think very carefully about what you say next.
Cavanaugh: That's what I thought.

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